Saturday, October 15, 2011

Electrical Stimulation to Partially Restore Mobility to Paralysis Patients

I had the opportunity to do an internship at the Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) Center in Cleveland, OH. The FES Center is supported by two hospitals and Case Western Reserve University. The FES Center specializes in helping restore muscle function and control to paralysis patients. We had a patient who had been shot in the back of the neck severing most of her spinal cord in between the C1 and C2 vertebrae. She was paralyzed from the shoulders down and had some control of her left shoulder, left arm, and left hand. Since she could still control her neck muscles and partially control her left shoulder this allowed researchers at the FES Center to design her a system to partially restore daily functions.

Surgeons implemented EMG sensors in her platysma, neck, and left shoulder muscles. Surgeons also implemented nerve cuffs that surround single nerves. She also has a bundle of wires coming out of the abdomen that could plug into an external control unit (ECU) that was used to test and make adjustments to her system. Her system utilized the EMG recording in her muscles in combination with an algorithm to electrically stimulate nerve cuffs which would cause action potentials down certain nerves and cause muscles to contract.

For instance when she would slightly mover her left shoulder forward, the EMG sensors would record the activity in the left trapezoid muscle causing electrical stimulation of a nerve cuff that causer her right tricep to contract, which would cause her to extend her right arm. If she made a frown this would induce the platysma muscles and cause her right forearm and hand muscles to contract and make a fist. A different muscle contraction in the neck or face area would cause her right bicep to contract causing her right arm to flex back towards her body. This FES system in her body is not sophisticated enough to alter the magnitude of the electrical current sent to her nerves so unlike a normal person her muscles would completely contract making her either fully extend or fully flexed in a very robotic motion, and this is all done with her seated in her wheelchair.

Even though there is major limitations this does allow her to eat and drink with limited help and is big gain for daily activities for paralysis patients. The technology of using electrical stimulation to bypass an injured spinal cord and innervate paralyzed muscles has actually been around for about twenty years and is used in different parts of the body. It is used in the legs to help stand or keep standing and also in muscles to help in bladder control and swallowing. The FES Center also specializes in prosthetics and neural engineering that gives a futuristic feel. They are currently researching and have tested on primates what they call neuromotor prosthesis. They are attempting to use a brain implant and sensors to detect the intent to move directly from the brain to control prosthetics or use nerve cuffs to stimulate paralyzed limbs.

Kirsch, R. Development of a neuroprosthesis for restoring arm and hand function via functional electrical stimulation following high cervical spinal cord injury.

Kirsch, R. Toward the Restoration of Hand Use to a Paralyzed Monkey: Brain-Controlled Functional Electrical Stimulation of Forearm Muscles.

1 comment:

  1. It’s pretty amazing what is being done now to help paralyzed victims regain control of their body, even with the inability to sufficiently regenerate damaged central nerves within the spinal cord. I just read a case study that observed the effect of epidural stimulation on voluntary movement, standing, and assisted stepping after motor complete paraplegia. The patient was a 23-year-old man who became a paraplegic after a motor vehicle accident which resulted damage to the spinal cord. Although the patient was able to accomplish some weak voluntary hand motions, he could not contract his trunk or leg muscles. Similar to the FES center patient, a 16-electrode array was implanted in the lower back at T11 and L1 vertebrae over the spinal cord. After several training sessions involving electrical epidural stimulation, the patient was able to stand without assistance as well as manage “robust, consistent rhythmic stepping-like activity” (Harkema et al. 1944). Granted this could only be accomplished with electrical stimulation, but the training sessions improved the patient’s sense of well-being and self-esteem leading to other functional gains such as bladder and temperature control.

    Besides the success of gaining lower limb control, this study also brought to light some interesting concepts, the first being that posture and locomotion can be controlled by peripheral sensory input rather then from the brain (Harkema et al. 1946). I believe this goes back to the fact that sensory and motor controls are achieved through various pathways. For example, some pathways consist of a single sensory segment and a motor neuron while others involve multiple segments as well as integration from the brain. This helps to avoid overloading the nervous system. But my question is, what determines exactly the kind of pathway that is used? In regards to the previous patient who now uses the use of other muscles that she has normal control over to generate motion in her hands and arms, could something similar be done that involves sensory to accomplish the same task or can that only be applied to more reflex, repetitive motions?

    Susan Harkema, Yury Gerasimenko, Jonathan Hodes, Joel Burdick, Claudia Angeli, Yangsheng Chen, Christie Ferreira, Andrea Willhite, Enrico Rejc, Robert G Grossman, V Reggie Edgerton. “Effect of Epidural Stimulation of the Lumbosacral Spinal Cord on Voluntary Movement, Standing, and Assisted Stepping After Motor Complete Paraplegia: A Case Study”, The Lancet, Volume 377, Issue 9781, 4-10 June 2011, Pages 1938-1947


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