Monday, November 28, 2011

Which would you like injected into your face, Toxic A or Toxic B?

Clostridium botulinum is a endospore forming bacteria found in the soil. It can also commonly be found in canned foods and other foods that have not been cooked properly. The bacterium itself is not dangerous, but the spores it produces are the cause of worry. Toxins from Clostridium botulinum is the most dangerous of all chemicals known and one gram could devastate entire populations of people. Toxins from C. botulinum is much more dangerous than anthrax. It is so dangerous because Botulinum toxin is a neuromodulator. It is a neurotoxin, which inhibits the release of neurotransmitters. Without the release of acetylcholine muscles do not receive signals and become paralyzed. Paralysis will first occur in the face and quickly spread to the limbs and core. Without immediate treatment the infected person will suffocate due to the diaphragm not contracting to allow inhalation.

When people go into surgery for cosmetic procedures for face lifts many do not know that they are injecting toxins from bacteria into themselves. Botox is a cosmetic procedure, which the doctor takes a small dosage of toxins from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum and injects it straight into the skin. The injections are superficial and are in small dosages, which do not affect the rest of the body. The toxins reduce wrinkles by not allowing the facial muscles to contract.

Currently the most commonly used is Botox, onabotulinumtoxinA, but another form currently being investigated for cosmetic use is abobotulinumtoxinA, called Dysport. Botox is better known and has been used much longer, but Dysport shows better improvements in decreasing crow’s feet. They are both toxins from Clostridium botulinum, but different compounds. There were no significant differences between the faces of the patients with Dysport and Botox, besides the reduced appearance of crow’s feet. In a study of 90 volunteers, 67% preferred Dysport rather than Botox.

Although many people use Botox for cosmetic procedures, there are some negative side effects. The toxin is poisonous and can spread to other parts of the body, causing blurry vision, difficulty breathing, slurring of speech, and swallowing difficulties. This is a serious problem and people should seek immediate help if symptoms occur after Botox injections. With negative side effects occurring with Botox, what worries would arise from Dysport? And should this cosmetic procedure be allowable although the toxin is one of the most dangerous toxins known and could paralyze and kill a person in a matter of hours.

1 comment:

  1. I personally would not get botox, but I am not against people who want to get botox. However, I do think it is important for people to be educated about the procedure, so that they are aware of this toxin which is produced by the endospores of C. botulinum. It's sad to think that people are not aware of this key fact and it is certainly not information doctors should withhold from their patients.

    Like many cosmetic procedures, they are not necessary but many people get them done. Although I think botox should be available to the public, it should not be administered unless the patient is educated about the possible side effects as well as the background for this procedure.


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